Pastor Greg’s Health Update as of 12/31/2017

Sent from my ***UPDATE*** 12/31/17

The process of daily rehab continues for Pastor Greg. There has been slow, incremental progress as he continues to ambulate and relearn words & phrases. He has enjoyed visits from his mother and sister this week, as well as many church members. During a recent visit with Tina & Tara, as they were preparing to leave, he asked, “Do you want to pray?”. They were happy he was able to ask & happy to oblige (to say the least!).

Again, visitors are welcome from 8am to 8pm. If you have time constraints and would rather visit while pastor Greg is not undergoing therapy of any kind, feel free to call ahead – otherwise come any time.

Jeremiah 30:17
“For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds” says the Lord

Pastor Greg’s Health Update as of 12/26/2017

UPDATE*** 12/26/17

Pastor Greg has settled into Burke Rehabilitation Hospital where he will likely be for the next several weeks. Intensive Speech Therapy & Physical Therapy are the main focus. There is nothing new to report with regard to his current status or condition; I will say that in our time of prayer, singing & Bible reading this morning, that he tried, but was unable to say “amen”. After being reminded of the “Amen” song to which he danced at his daughter’s wedding, he was able to SING amen along with us. As we were leaving, he was particularly moved when encouraged to persevere with the physical therapy session scheduled for later in the day. Please, please pray that he would not lose heart, or be discouraged. Pray for his faith – that he would place his trust in God and have the fortitude to be doggedly persistent with the needed & helpful therapies.

Visitors are welcome from 8am to 8pm. If you have time constraints and would rather visit while pastor Greg is not undergoing therapy of any kind, feel free to call ahead – otherwise come any time. Thank you for standing with him, his family and the PLCC during this time. May God bless you all!

Pastor Greg’s Health Update 12/21/2017

***Update on Pastor Greg*** 12/21
Pastor Greg is at the Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains, NY. The first day of therapy resulted in some encouraging accomplishments: Walking with a quad-cane (with assistance), singing “Happy Birthday” & counting as well as reciting days of the week. These are all very good indicators. It is a long & winding road to recovery, but he is on the way and we are grateful for quality healthcare & clear progress. Praise the Lord!! Letters and cards as well as visitations would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact Burke directly or refer to their website for visiting policies / hours.


Pastor Greg Health Update 12/20/2017

***Update on Pastor Greg*** 12/20

Pastor Greg has now been transferred to Burke Rehabilitation Hospital. He has been more responsive, interactive and articulate yesterday & today. He’s also been able to respond with a wider vocabulary and is trying to ask questions. Each of these factors is a direct answer to prayer – thank God! Thank you for your continued prayers & for helping the PLCC & the Kemper family bear this burden – your labor of love in the Lord is not in vain! Please be encouraged and please continue the fight…

1 Corinthians 15:58. “my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.”

Pastor Greg Health Update as of 12/18/2017

Pastor Greg remains alert and responsive. This morning he participated in the daily speech & physical therapy. Two good reports: 1) His latest CT scan revealed no changes 2) He was accepted into Burke Hospital for his rehabilitation. He remains at St Francis for the night and should be transferred to Burke some time tomorrow if all goes according to plan – then the hard work of rehab will begin in earnest. Please join us in continuing to pray for the Kemper family..

Prayer needs:
1. Physical healing, strength & restoration for Pastor Greg
2. That he would be encouraged to persevere with the physical, mental & emotional rigors of the rehab
3. Pray that each of the Kempers would rely wholly on the Lord & be strengthened in their faith during these challenging circumstances

Thank you for your love, support and prayers!!

Psalm 23:13-14 “I have sure faith that I will experience the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living! Hope in the Lord! Be strong! Let your heart take courage! Hope in the Lord!”

Pastor Greg’s Health Update as of 12/16/2017

**Update on Pastor Greg**

Last night, Pastor Greg was transferred from the Step Down Unit to a typical floor where he is receiving standard care. He is participating in daily Speech Therapy & Physical Therapy. He was again alert and responsive today – smiling, trying to communicate and deeply moved when we were singing, praying, reading Scripture & visiting with family. The current plan is for a transfer to another facility for rehab at some point Monday. It is not yet definite, but the family is hopeful that he will be accepted into Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains, NY. This facility comes highly recommended by all & is clearly world class. Pastor Greg is now in a shared room, but all visitors are still welcome. Please come with an encouraging word, Scripture reading or prayer when you visit.

Prayer needs:
1. Pray that Greg would be filled with determination in regard to the rehab that is ahead, as well as hope amid each day’s frustrations

2. Pray for continued restoration and healing of his body

3. Pray for strength & courage for Tina

4. Pray for Brandon, Tara & Ilissa’s faith – that they would NOT be discouraged, but instead be resolute, trusting in God

“Therefore, my dear brothers, and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

1 Corinthians 15:58

Pastor Greg’s Health Update as of 12/15/2017

**Update on Pastor Greg** (from Joel)

Pastor Greg remains in stable condition and is slated to be transferred from the Step Down Unit to a typically monitored hospital room at some point today. There have been no fundamental changes in his abilities since this time last Friday. He is strong on the left side of his body, lacks strength / movement on the right side and is able to understand and respond to basic questions / interactions with “yes” or “no” answers or by holding up 1 or 2 fingers. Some days he appears more or less energetic than others. He smiles when amused, scratches his head when thinking and when I asked him to pray for me he kind of smirked. As I continued looking him in the eye and again asked, he became noticeably misty-eyed… then, holding my hand, he closed his eyes for a few moments & looked back up. Thanks, pastor – we’re praying for you, too!

It is possible that he may (or may not) be transferred to a rehab facility early next week. With that in mind this would be a good time to visit, particularly since the location of the facility has not yet been determined. PLEASE, PLEASE stand firm in the faith and continue to PRAY with everything that you have…

1. For complete healing & restoration for Pastor Greg

2. For continued strength & peace of mind for him and the entire Kemper family

3. For an opening in the proper rehab center

4. For favor with, and grace upon the medical staff at St Francis as well as the rehab facility

Pastor Greg’s Health Update as of 12/14/17

**Update on Pastor Greg**

Pastor Greg came out of ICU last night & is in a “step down” unit with appropriate care. Today began with some physical therapy. Pastor Greg is still experiencing weakness on the right side of his body, but he was able to stand for a short time with some assistance. The current plan (which is always subject to change) is to transfer to a rehabilitation facility some time next week. Family members are spending time with him regularly – praying, interacting and reading Scripture.

Since Pastor Greg’s condition appears to have stabilized and he is out of intensive care, intermittent visitors would be welcomed. Please, please be considerate of Tina, who is being inundated with constant texts & phone calls. Prayers and encouragement are always welcome!

Prayer requests:

1. Complete healing & restoration for Pastor Greg

2. Peace of mind for his family & loved ones

3. Guidance to the proper rehabilitation facility

4. Perseverance & trust in the Lord

Hebrews 10:39 “…we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul.”