Mark 16:15
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
We are thankful to the Lord that the PLCC as a congregation is privileged to reach out in financial and spiritual support of the following missions.

South East Asia
Kevin & Sarah C.
Kevin & Sarah's mission is stated by the Apostle Paul in Romans 15:20. “It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known so I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.”
Their goal is to glorify God by planting national led, self-sustaining, self-reproducing, evangelical Christian churches among unreached peoples around the world. They work to achieve this by earning the right to be heard and by presenting the truth of the gospel in a way that is culturally relevant. Kevin & Sarah are currently engaged with unreached people groups within the region of South East Asia.

Mercy Works | Frank & Deirdre Leonetti
Mercy Works was founded to support Frank & Deirdre with their foreign & local ministry endeavors. Frank has worked abroad with Pastor S.R. Monahar to reach the people of India. They have brought the good news to villages, towns and cities in almost every state of India and in other countries through church and individually sponsored crusades.1 Chron. 22:19 is the heart cry of this ministry: “Arise therefore, and build ye the sanctuary of the Lord God.” We continue to partner with the Leonetti’s during this season as they are currently state-side.

Northeast U.S.
Young Life | Tom & Jan Kennedy
Young Life’s vision is that every adolescent will have the chance to meet Jesus Christ and follow Him. Their mission is to introduce teenagers to Jesus Christ and help them to grow in their faith. They do this by praying for these teens as their leaders go to where the kids are, to build relationships with them & earn their trust so they can share the Gospel with them. As the Young Life leaders walk along side of kids ‘in their world’, our prayer is that they would become open to the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Young Lives
Young Lives reaches out to teen moms by mentoring and supporting them with unconditional acceptance in a safe and loving environment. In Young Lives, teen moms will experience spiritual and emotional support, practical help, regular gatherings, “Mommy Training,” camp trips and more. This ministry offers hope and encouragement through Jesus Christ to young moms when they otherwise might feel scared and alone.